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Currently, moving assets across different blockchain networks is as complicated and expensive as sending information in the early days of the internet. Users often face high costs, slow transactions, and fragmented liquidity, which lead to a poor user experience and hinder the widespread adoption of blockchain technology.

High costs make blockchain less practical for everyday use, while slow processing times cause frustrating delays, further diminishing the appeal of blockchain-based applications. Additionally, fragmented liquidity, where assets are spread across various isolated rollups, adds another layer of complexity and inefficiency.

For blockchain technology to gain broader popularity and usage, we need to make transferring assets across different networks easier and cheaper. This means creating better ways for blockchains to work together, lowering transaction fees, and speeding up processing times. Without solving these problems, it will be challenging for blockchain to be adopted on a larger scale, especially by non-frequent users who are unlikely to consider it a viable option.

Innovations like new methods for blockchain connectivity, faster transaction solutions, and more efficient systems show promise in addressing these issues. By making blockchain technology more user-friendly and affordable, these advancements can help it become an integral part of our digital world, just as the internet evolved to be an essential part of our everyday lives.